Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Art Award

More celebrations!
As the school years drew to a close there were so many events and special times to celebrate.
Our church recognizes the Seniors with a special Sunday service. Each Graduate is given a leather Bible as a gift from their "home church". Here is our pastor giving Lindsey hers.
On the same Sunday we had a tea for all of the graduating girls and their mothers. It was held in our local "Art Factory" an old factory building that is now being renovated by a missionary family. Their vision for the building involves missions and arts. It also makes a unique setting for things like teas and get togethers.
These 4 have been at BFA for all 12 years of school - a not so common accomplishment. They were all surprised when, during the awards night,
the video of their first day of school was shown.
Lindsey with her Grade One teacher!Friends
Graduation Day!
Getting Ready ...

The Director of the School waiting at the front. The flags stand for the countries represented in the student body. I believe there are about 40 of them.
This is the largest class that BFA has graduated - 78 grads.


The Director of the School waiting at the front. The flags stand for the countries represented in the student body. I believe there are about 40 of them.


Receiving her diploma and cords.
She will receive two cords which means she graduates with High Honours!

...and they are done!!

a very proud dad
She will receive two cords which means she graduates with High Honours!

a very proud dad

Receiving flowers for Grad is not unusual, but these were delivered right during the grad ceremony! They are very beautiful and add a wonderful grad memory.
Jason and Lindsey - and yes he is taller than she is
Graduation marks the end of a chapter. There is much excitement for what lies ahead but for our kids these days are also filled with many tears. Lindsey's class is already scattered across the world with the hope that they will one day meet up with their freinds again. That is one of the joys and sorrows of being a missionary kid.
These two have been friends since they were 3 years old- another very rare occurance in the missionary community. In just a few weeks time Steph will be moving to the US for further studies.

Middle School Graduation
Jason, all dressed up and ready to go.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Celebrations - JSB

The Junior-Senior Banquet was held in May. It is the celebration of the graduating class given by the junior class (grade 11). This is an event very much looked forward to. Everyone dresses in their finest festive clothes and it is a great time for the seniors.

Sunday, May 24, 2009
Well my intentions were and actually are still good. The plan was to have regular updates on this blogsite in order to give you a glimpse into our everyday lives. Well our everyday lives are slipping by and there is not much to show for it - at least not here.
Don't give up on us. Our computer is in the process of dying (it has already been a long slow painful process) and hopefully this will be remedied soon. We have lots to show you and tell you about, but getting the pictures here for you to see is proving to be rather time consuming and therefore a bit discouraging. But I will forge ahead. One day, there may suddenly be many glimpse back into the weeks past.
In the meantime, let me say, that spring is rapidly giving way to summer. Today was a wonderful 34°C and we enjoyed it by lazily sipping our ice teas on the terrace. Unfortunately, in this week, the wild grasses and who knows what else have reached their fullness and we are struggling with itchy eyes and runny noses. But this too will pass.
This kids are eagerly counting down until school's end which is very near in our sites. I guess one of our children has mixed emotions as she will be graduating and things will be different from now on. She is eager to be finished the school work but not at all eager to say her goodbyes to her dear friends, wondering when they will meet again. Her plans are not yet solid for next year but we trust in God who knows the path she will take.
Don't give up on us. Our computer is in the process of dying (it has already been a long slow painful process) and hopefully this will be remedied soon. We have lots to show you and tell you about, but getting the pictures here for you to see is proving to be rather time consuming and therefore a bit discouraging. But I will forge ahead. One day, there may suddenly be many glimpse back into the weeks past.
In the meantime, let me say, that spring is rapidly giving way to summer. Today was a wonderful 34°C and we enjoyed it by lazily sipping our ice teas on the terrace. Unfortunately, in this week, the wild grasses and who knows what else have reached their fullness and we are struggling with itchy eyes and runny noses. But this too will pass.
This kids are eagerly counting down until school's end which is very near in our sites. I guess one of our children has mixed emotions as she will be graduating and things will be different from now on. She is eager to be finished the school work but not at all eager to say her goodbyes to her dear friends, wondering when they will meet again. Her plans are not yet solid for next year but we trust in God who knows the path she will take.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
May Day

May 1 is a national holiday that still is celebrtated with a May Pole. Each village puts up these giant poles, bedecked with ribbons, and they stay put for several weeks. The day also seems to have become the national walking day! All day, you will see groups of people of all ages, hiking around the countryside. It was a beautiful sunny day, making a walk in the fields especially inviting.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

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